Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pop Sugar Must Have // December 2015

I did it. I caved. I signed up for a 6 month Pop Sugar Must Have subscription. They offered $75 off and I can't say no to a good sale. 6 months for the price of 3? Sign me up!

I received my December box last week and I am so impressed!!! I can tell that this subscription is going to be a great investment.

It costs $39.95 a month, but the cost of goods that you get is way above that! They also have 3 month and 6 month subscriptions. I'll show you the item, the retail cost, and I will total everything up at the end. Eek!

Swing Design Nova Blue Mist Jewelry Box : $36.00
 - This was my favorite item! It is such great quality and the color is very Tiffany blue.

Luv AJ The Rose Gold Ombre Bracelet : $65.00
- This bracelet is so cute and different! I love all the different colors. It's perfect for stacking.

My Cup of Cake Souffle Mix : $5.99
- I cannot wait to try this! I'm all about dessert in a mug.

Nima Oberoi Lunares Geo Wine Stopper : $24.00
- This little thing is pretty heavy and great quality! I'm giving it to my mom because she loves wine. 

Meri Meri Silver Star Washi Glitter Tape : $4.00
- This tape is so so cute. I love washi and I love sending letters, so I'm excited about this! 

Stowaway Cosmetics Creme Lipstick Trio : $30.00
- I've never used this brand before, but the colors are perfection! 

End total = $165! 
I was pleasantly surprised with this box and I loved everything in it! I can't wait for January!

To try it yourself - click here and get $5 off your first box! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Our First Christmas Tree!

J and I got our first Christmas tree together last week! We've been dating for almost three years, but this is our first time living with only each other. Luckily, we had similar opinions on the style we wanted. Simple, nothing too crazy. We compromised on the tree. I really wanted a giant Charlie Brown tree. I picked the style and he picked the actual tree.

The end result? MY DREAM TREE. We got our ornaments, tree topper, tree stand, tree skirt, and lights all from Target. Cartwheel had coupons for everything and I couldn't pass up those deals! We wrapped the lights around the middle and I really liked the way it turned out.

If I tried to describe our tree, I would say it's rustic chic, winterwonderlandy, simple, classy, and all of the other pretty adjectives. 

I included some close ups directly from the Target shelves below! 



I love love love our choices. I was also looking at the set below, but we decided it was too many ornaments for the kind of tree we were looking for. 


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Friday Favorites 12.18.15 on Tuesday!?

Soooo, it's Tuesday. For some reason, I didn't schedule this post like I thought. Here's a little last Friday action for this lovely Tuesday.


Michael Kors Watch + Bangle Set. I won this at our office Christmas party! I never win anything! It's gorgeous and I'm thrilled.


Mahogany Teakwood BBW Candle. Honestly, this candle smells like a hawt, wintery man and I have it burning every day that I'm home. I picked up some more when Bath and Body had their EIGHT DOLLAR 3 wick candle sale. All of the heart eyes. 


Christmas @ Target. In my opinion, this is Target's cutest year by far. The Halloween decorations were on point and now the Christmas decorations are so stinking cute. Since this is our first Christmas in our apartment together, I tried to use some serious self control and not buy every single thing I saw. I figured people usually collect their holiday decor over the years, right?

I got the burlap tree shown above for $3 and a pack of ornaments for $5. So cute and they go so perfectly together! The cupcake stand holding the candle (shown above) was also $3 from Target.

What have you been loving lately? Where do you get your Christmas decorations? I would love to know!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday Favorites 12.4.15

In a desperate attempt to blog more frequently, I've decided to start doing Friday Favorites! I think this is the perfect way to talk to everyone about what's going on in my life and what I'm loving without creating a whole blog post for each little thing. I might alternate between Five on Friday and Friday Favorites. Get a little crazy up in here!


Hallmark Christmas movies. I am sooo in love with Hallmark movies this season. They are so cheesy and far fetched and fantastic. J makes fun of me for watching them, but they make me happy! Who doesn't want to watch people fall in love in the most outrageous ways? My current favorite is Merry Matrimony.


"Buffy" Lush Body Butter Bar. (say that three times fast) This thing is fantastic. My BFF got this for me for my birthday. It takes the place of lotion. It's super exfoliating (with almonds, beans and ground rice) and moisturizing (with cocoa and shea butters) all the day long without feeling greasy. It heals my dry elbows too. Love! I haven't used lotion since I got it! You rub it all over while you're in the shower, which is super  convenient.


Starbucks Advent calendar. I have been lusting after this baby for weeks, but was too cheap to buy it for myself. J came home with it on Monday and surprised me! Every night when we get home, we open the little ornament and share the piece of chocolate inside. Awwwww. It also came with a $5 gift card. They're 40% off online and in stores right now!

What are your favorites this week? Also, if you have any LUSH products that you would recommend, let a girl know! I'm looking to expand my collection.