Mermade Moments: My Honest Opinion of PIIT28

Monday, March 28, 2016

My Honest Opinion of PIIT28

PIIT28 is Cassey Ho of Blogilates new HIIT style workout program.

My thoughts before PIIT28: Wow I could really like this! Only 28 minutes? That's too good to be true! Maybe I should just splurge and buy the program. I'll get my BFF Beth to do it with me. I definitely won't fail now!

My thoughts during PIIT28: This is not 28 minutes. That was a lie. There's a warm up and a stretch routine at the end. This is more like an hour. I have to BUY the timer for this even though I just spent $40 on the freaking program??? I hate jumping so much. I have a headache. Why is the sound so terrible? Some of the moves don't match the workbook. Why did I spend the money on this? I don't like this. Okaaaaay, who needs to finish 28 days of this anyway. 

That's pretty much an honest account of my thoughts. I should probably mention that I don't really like tabata or HIIT style workouts that much. I hate repeating the same moves over and over again. Knowing I have to go back and do the same sequence four times bugs the crap out of me for some reason. I have no idea why. I wanted to give it a try though because I LOVE Cassey's free workout videos on Youtube. I also wasn't expecting so much jumping. I get massive headaches after finishing these workouts and I live in an apartment and I'm not about that noisy neighbor life. We're on the bottom level, but I still feel like the apartment is shaking. HA.

I was slightly annoyed that the program is advertised as 28 minutes, when it really ends up being an hour. I realize I could just do the active 28 minutes and 45 seconds workout, but I love the stretching at the end. I'm confusing, I know.

I was REALLY annoyed at the fact that if we wanted the timer that went along with the program that we would have to pay an extra $1.99. Call me cheap, but hello! I just paid $40 for this program. Couldn't it be included?

If you love HIIT style workouts, then this is totally for you! Personally, I would much rather do Cassey's monthly calendars that follow along with her BlogilatesYoutube channel for free. I love them, they're shorter and did I mention they're free?

Have you tried PIIT28? What were your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. So glad you shared this because I was curious about the program. Seems I'll stick to my beachbody ones since they really are the times mentioned. My favorite programs have 30 minute workouts that include the warm up and cool down.


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